“Good writers are often just plain ol’ writers who go the extra mile and then a few more.”
- Mark Kramer, Wendy Call, “Telling True Stories”

7 simple metaphors to explain content marketing
Content marketing often gets overcomplicated, but it's a simple idea: give people the substance they're seeking and they will come to you.

Will content marketing ever be considered journalism?
Only if journalists stop ignoring it, and content marketers stop acting like marketers.

What's the real ratio of PR reps to journalists?
And what do those terms even mean anymore?

Want to really improve election coverage? Do less
After Trump's election, the media's asking how they missed the story. They didn't. They distorted it.

Stop blaming the internet for killing newspapers. Start blaming editors.
The media blames all newspapers' problems on the Internet and technology, as if the medium is the message. It's time we recognized that much of what newspapers produce should be improved, not preserved.