“Good writers are often just plain ol’ writers who go the extra mile and then a few more.”
- Mark Kramer, Wendy Call, “Telling True Stories”

Catalytic converters are the coolest car parts that get no respect
Despite being fascinating, breakthrough innovations, they were hated when first introduced, and are now routinely stolen for scrap.

Hidden external speakers are changing the soundscape of our streets
One of the most noticeable changes we’ll experience with more electric vehicles will be the noises from their acoustic vehicle alert systems, or AVAS.

How one executive’s crappy day doomed the branding of the Ford Edsel
It’s tempting to impose your personal opinion when you’re the highest-paid person in the room. Here’s a cautionary tale.

How creative marketing saved the NFL’s yellow first down line
The best defense is a strong offense. SportVision a perfect example of how an aggressive, creative marketing approach wins business.

Eagles fans booed Santa decades ago. Why won’t that story go away?
Why did Eagles fans boo and throw snowballs at Santa Claus? More importantly, why do we still talk about it today? It’s actually a fascinating marketing case study.

Celebrity body part insurance policies, from head to toe
A lot of content marketing efforts publish very surface level content. I simply can't operate that way, and this article for an insurance client is a testament to that.